City of SeaTac Police Department
The City of SeaTac is approximately 10 square miles, with an ethnically diverse community of roughly 32,000 residents.

In addition to local residents, thousands of visitors pass through the city each year accessing the hotels, restaurants and services of the SeaTac International Airport, located entirely within the city's boundaries. This combination creates very special demands for police services in the community.
SeaTac Police Department includes patrol officers, detectives, traffic enforcement officers, a community service officer, as well as a community engagement officer. These SeaTac Police members host various community outreach programs and public safety forums to keep residents and businesses engaged in community policing and problem solving projects that are unique to the city. Programs include community police academy, block watch programs, hotel/motel crime fighting, and police explorers, among many others.
SeaTac Police Department also focuses on reducing deaths, injuries, and property damage associated with traffic accidents along its busy corridors. In collaboration with the City of SeaTac Public Works, the department continues to analyze collision data to look for ways to improve traffic safety through a variety of education, enforcement and engineering efforts.
The City of SeaTac has partnered with the Sheriff's Office for police services since incorporating in 1990.
The City of SeaTac has been an amazing chapter of my life. Naturally, I am drawn to new and exciting experiences and SeaTac feeds into that with a rich tapestry of dozens of cultures. While the City population sits at 32,000, the daily population can swell to 170,000 people due to the SeaTac International Airport sitting in the middle of the city. It also makes SeaTac an international destination.
Not only does the airport draw travelers from all over the world but the community that makes up SeaTac is extremely diverse. SeaTac’s diversity is part of what makes this city so special and unique. SeaTac has various cultures from all over the world living in the same community. SeaTac’s police department is also made of an eclectic group of officers, just like the community they serve.
SeaTac is a tight knit community that celebrates its assortment of cultures throughout the year with numerous community events. Everyone is welcome at these gatherings, including SeaTac City employees. SeaTac’s City Council reflects the community it serves by having the same diversity as the community they serve. It is honor to be a part of this amazing community.
- Chief Troy Smithmeyer, SeaTac PD