Cedar River / Lake Washington Service Area
The Cedar River-Lake Washington service area comprises 563 square miles of WRIA 8, including all of WRIA 8 except the Sammamish River watershed, which is a separate service area, and the portion of WRIA 8 which drains directly to Puget Sound, which is the Central Puget Sound service area. According to the Lake WA/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan (2005), this service area together with the Sammamish River watershed, is home to more than 20% of the state’s population. Though much of the watershed has been developed, there are still areas of high quality aquatic habitat throughout the service area. Permittees with impacts to wetlands, streams, and buffers may be able to use the King County In-Lieu Fee Program to offset unavoidable impacts within the Cedar River/Lake Washington watershed.