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About pest control companies

Using a combination of non-pesticide techniques and a precisely placed application of pesticides is the most effective and practical way to eliminate a bed bug infestation.

To completely eliminate bed bugs, it will most likely be necessary to contact a pest control company. A resident or homeowner using only non-chemical treatment methods may notice they're not effective or efficient enough to be able to eliminate or even control this pest. A resident should never use pesticides to treat for bed bugs because of the risk of spreading the infestation to other areas.

Will a pest control company use pesticides?

Pesticides will be used, as needed, in combination with other non-chemical treatment methods. However, using only pesticides to eliminate bed bugs is not effective enough to eliminate this pest.

Non-chemical treatments methods include:

  • clutter removal
  • keep non-infested items in sealed plastic bags during the treatment period
  • keep infested items in sealed plastic bags until they are treated
  • use of interceptors and barriers to prevent movement of bed bugs
  • use of soap and water to clean items not damaged by moisture
  • hot water laundering and high heat drying of washable items
  • use of dissolvable laundry bags for infested items
  • use of steam on hard-to-reach and hard to clean areas
  • use of mattress and box spring encasements
  • vacuuming visible bed bugs and disposing of live bed bugs
  • ambient heat treatments to 130º to 140ºF by using approved external heat sources, fans and recording thermometers to heat all items in the infested area

Can I apply pesticides myself?

NO. General use or 'over the counter' pesticides are not effective in killing or eliminating bed bugs. Even pesticides available only to licensed professionals have limited effectiveness. Bed bugs have developed resistance to certain pesticides. Using pesticides incorrectly can make the problem worse by causing insects to scatter and move into walls, hard to reach places and other parts of the home.

Do not use bug bombs or foggers - they do not work against bed bugs and spread hazardous chemicals throughout your home.

Inquiries about pest control businesses

  • For questions or complaints concerning pest control businesses, please contact the Washington State Department of Agriculture, at 1-877-301-4555.
  • Take the time to look for a pest control company with experience finding and treating bed bug infestations before they use a pesticide as part of their control program. Cost is not always the best reason to hire a company.

When deciding on which pest control company to use, here are some questions to ask:

  • Do your staff members have a pesticide applicators license?
    In addition to being registered in King County, all professionals applying restricted pesticides must be licensed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Ask for a copy of their Pest Applicator's License or call the WA State Dept. of Agriculture at 877-301-4555, or check their license at:
  • Do you inspect the dwelling for bed bugs?
    The answer should be yes, they will inspect and positively identify that the dwelling has bed bugs before they recommend and proceed with any type of treatment method.
  • How I should prepare for a bed bug inspection?
    The company should be able to specifically describe how you should prepare for their inspection and treatment including general cleaning and removal of clutter. Be aware that extensive cleaning may disrupt and scatter any bed bugs.
  • How long do inspections take?
    A thorough inspection can take 1 to 4 hours or more depending on the extent of the infestation and the amount of clutter. Inspections confirm that there is an infestation by finding live bed bugs and should provide the pest control operator information on how best to treat problem. A severe infestation can be confirmed in a matter of minutes.
  • Do you use a HEPA vacuum or dry steam to kill hidden bed bugs and their eggs?
    Pest professionals should use a non-pesticide method like vacuuming or steam to kill bed bugs and eggs before using pesticides. The pest control company should be able to describe both chemical and non-chemical control methods they normally use. Avoid companies that only use chemicals or pesticides to treat for bed bugs.
  • Do you locate and eliminate bed bug hiding places?
    The pest professional should know how to locate hiding areas, how to clean and seal cracks and holes to eliminate hiding places. Pest companies may not do this and leave cleaning and prevention to the homeowner or building manager. Pest professionals can advise you on when and how to eliminate hiding places.
  • How do you decide where to spray?
    The pest professional will identify where bed bugs are hiding and should spray in those areas only. Pesticides should not be applied randomly throughout your home or to the top of mattresses, sofas or other items where people have close contact.
  • Do you talk about safety issues?
    Pest professionals must inform residents about the hazards of the chemicals they use, especially where there are children or expecting parents. They should describe where chemicals will be used, how to avoid contact, and when it is safe to enter treated areas.
  • Do you provide MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) or other safety information to customers on the specific chemicals you use?
    You can ask the pest professional to provide you with an information sheet (MSDS or other safety sheet) for each pesticide they plan to use before the treatment is performed. If you are concerned that you or your belongings may react to or be affected by the chemical or treatment, discuss this with the pest professional in advance to see what precautions to take or whether there are safer pesticides, or alternative treatments methods he or she can use. The pest professional should be able to confirm that the chemicals are registered for bed bug use, both federally and with the Washington State Department of Agriculture.
  • Do you schedule return visits to make sure bed bugs are eliminated?
    It usually takes several visits (at least two or three) over several weeks to inspect, treat and eliminate bed bugs. Afterwards, you will still need to monitor for bed bugs returning.
  • Are infested areas retreated with pesticides whether or not bed bugs are seen?
    Pest professionals may treat cracks and other hiding places, but if no bed bugs are visible, avoid the use of pesticide sprays. Bed bugs are killed when they are sprayed directly; sprays that have dried are not effective. Dusts approved for bed bugs may placed in inaccessible areas like wall voids and cracks. Visible dusts should be removed before the room is occupied.