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Inquest Program

State law gives county coroners broad authority to hold inquests into deaths which occur in their jurisdictions. An inquest is an administrative, fact-finding inquiry into the manner, facts, and circumstances of a death. In King County, the function of holding inquests is vested with the King County Executive.

Under an order issued by the King County Executive, there shall be an inquest into the causes and circumstances of any deaths involving a member of law enforcement or corrections in the course of their duties. The purpose of an inquest is to shed light, in an open public forum, on the facts surrounding a death at the hands of law enforcement or corrections. A further purpose is to promote public understanding of these events in our community.

The February 2025 order creates a new Deadly Incident Review and Recommendation Panel (DIRRP). The DIRRP will review and recommend changes to statutes, polices, and training intended to decrease deaths and injuries in law enforcement interactions, preserving public and officer safety. 

Inquests are managed by the Department of Executive Services and conducted by Inquest Administrators, assisted by Inquest Program Attorneys.
