Highlights of Councilmember Dembowski’s work
Chair of the Council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee

Councilmember Dembowsk in front of a 100% electric Metro bus.
February 2024 | Each year, the Council reorganizes to select committee leadership and membership. This year I am serving as Chair of the Council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee. The Committee held its first meeting on January 16, 2024. The meeting included a briefing from Metro General Manager Michelle Allison which can be watched here, on Metro’s long-term goals which are centered around hiring more Metro drivers and providing the safest system possible for its riders and drivers.
This year, I plan to focus the committee’s work on protecting our waterways, preserving open space, fighting climate change locally, as well as ensuring Metro Transit is safe, reliable and meets the transportation needs of our riders. The Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 9:30AM at the King County Courthouse Council Chambers. You can also watch the meetings live here.
East African Senior Center meal program

Councilmember Dembowski in the kitchen at the Northgate Community Center.
June 27, 2023 | Loved stopping by the East African Senior Center Meal Program at the Northgate Community Center to talk about King County’s services and to share the good news of added funding I was able to secure in our recent budget for these culturally-appropriate meals. Enjoyed the Q&A session and the delicious lunch!
First Gun Buy Back Event
April 1, 2023 | I previously reported on legislation I authored directing the King County Sheriff’s Office to create a permanent firearm and ammo return program. Thanks to $100,000 I was able to include in the 2023-2024 King County budget, the Burien Sheriff’s Office hosted the first “Gift Cards for Guns” event on Saturday, April 1, 2023. At the event, community members turned in unwanted firearms voluntarily and safely, in exchange for gift cards worth up to $300. In total, 287 firearms were turned in, with deputies handing out gift cards totaling $36,525.
Residents told our deputies over and over how much they appreciated the opportunity to securely dispose of their unwanted firearms without any concern about how the guns might be used in the future if they were sold on the private market. I appreciate the professionalism and service to our community from the Sheriff’s department and their team who ran this program, and value their work using a range of law enforcement strategies to keep our communities safe.
Studies have repeatedly shown that guns in homes are more likely to lead to accidental shootings, assaults, or suicide attempts than to be used successfully in self-defense. Voluntary buyback programs can be effective at decreasing that risk. While other public safety strategies are meant to address guns used in crimes, this particular strategy is about safety at home and reducing the risk of firearms injuries and deaths.
TrEE Panel Discussion on state of downtown Seattle
April 18, 2023 | At the April 18th Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee meeting, I hosted a series of panel discussions focused on the long-term future of downtown, tourism, office and residential space, and how King County can partner to make certain Seattle maintains a vibrant city core.
King County has broad authority over a number of government institutions that intersect with the day-to-day and long-term future of downtown, such as Metro Transit. King County is also one of the largest property owners in the city core and has a significant role to play in ensuring that downtown is a destination to work, live and play.
The panel discussion was fascinating. Watch the meeting video here. I look forward to working with this broad coalition to collectively recover and shape the future for a vibrant, safe, and growing downtown Seattle.
Crisis Care Levy update
April 25, 2023 | The results for April 25th election are in. King County's crisis care levy has officially passed. This levy will provide much needed funding for mental health, addiction and homelessness services in the county and is a major step forward in helping to reduce the crisis care gap for those in need. In my opinion, this is a huge win for the community and further demonstrates the commitment of the voters of King County to providing a safe and healthy environment for all.
Below are some key details of what the levy will provide for the community. More levy information here.
- Creates Five Crisis Care Centers: Distributed geographically across the county, the centers will provide walk-in access and the potential for short-term stays to help people stabilize, depending on needs, with one center specifically serving youth.
- Preserves and Restores Residential Treatment Beds: Slows the loss of residential treatment options that provide behavioral health supportive housing or a psychiatric residential treatment bed for longer-term stays with support.
- Invests in the Behavioral Health Workforce: Creates career pathways through apprenticeship programming and access to higher education, credentialing, training, and wrap-around supports. It will also invest in equitable wages for the workforce at crisis care centers.
King County’s 2023-2024 biennial budget
November 15, 2022 | The King County Council approved a $16.2 billion budget to fund King County for the next two years. The 2023-2024 biennial budget includes funding for clean energy, affordable housing, public transit, protecting the environment, improving community safety, behavioral health and more.
King County’s free youth transit pass
July 2022 | As a middle schooler at Dimmitt Middle School in Skyway, I often took Metro home after end-of-day school activities. Finding money to pay the fare could be a hassle and too often a hardship for many of my classmates. That is why I was happy to co-sponsor legislation creating a Free Youth Transit Pass. Now all King County kids will be able to hop on board Metro transit to get to and from school and around the county to activities, without having to worry about whether there's enough money on their ORCA card. This important legislation ensures that all kids in King County have the same free access to our transit system and will help to create life-long transit riders on what will soon be a zero-emissions bus fleet.
County support to Ukraine
April 2022 | People all over the world have been inspired by the bravery and heroism of everyday Ukrainians fighting for freedom and democracy. That’s why I’m so pleased to co-sponsor legislation to support our local Ukrainian community, potential refugees from the war in Ukraine, and to ensure King County is doing all that we can to support efforts to bring peace to the people of Ukraine. I’m especially pleased that our King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission will be consulted in the development of our response. I look forward to moving this legislation expeditiously through our Council.
This motion requests that the County develop plans that will give support to Ukraine by divesting in goods and services that benefit the Russian Federation and its leaders; providing surplus medical supplies that the County has on hand; allowing employees of the County to support the relief efforts in Ukraine through the Employee Giving Program; and working with federal, state and local governments and non-profit partners, to provide support for Ukrainian refugees.
King County Council Districting Committee update
December 2021 | Every ten years following the national census, the independent King County Districting Committee adjusts the boundaries of the nine King County Council districts to balance population.
For District 1, this means we gain additional constituents in North Seattle and North Kirkland, but lose constituents in the City of Woodinville to District 3. I loved my years representing Woodinville, but I look forward to representing vibrant new neighborhoods in Kirkland and Seattle.
Refugee artisan initiative finds new home thanks to $800K grant

Rod touring the basement of the Pioneer Woodworks building in July of 2021.
July 2021 | At the end of 2021 the Council completed our update to the county biennial budget. I served as Vice-Chair of the Budget & Fiscal Management Committee, and was pleased to be able to work with our Chair, Councilmember Kohl-Welles to put together the approved budget.
I am proud to report that I worked to secure an $800,000 appropriation to the Refugee Artisan Initiative (RAI) to help the nonprofit acquire a permanent home in the heart of Lake City. If you are familiar with Lake City, you might know the Pioneer Woodworks building, which has been a family run business for decades.
In 2021 the owner Wally announced his retirement and his desire to sell the building. Upon learning this, RAI requested a meeting with me to learn about potential county funding for capital grants. I was immediately interested in helping as the building is in an ideal location and a perfect space for RAI and their future growth. Lake City is often overlooked and underserved. RAI moving into this space, will help ensure Lake City’s future is bright and vibrant!
2021-2022 King County biennial budget update
November 2020 | In mid-November, the King County Council adopted King County’s 2021-2022 Biennial Budget. It is a $12.5 billion two-year budget covering all of King County’s operations. As Vice-Chair of the Budget Committee, I worked closely with Chair Jeanne Kohl-Welles to help the Council complete its work on the budget. Along with five special CARES Act budgets to address COVID-19 impacts, and two supplemental budgets, the 2021-22 Biennial Budget was the 8th budget council adopted in 2021. More information on the 2021-22 King County budget.
Financial help during the COVID-19 outbreak
2020 | With the recent closures and event cancellations, the financial burdens of the COVID-19 outbreak can be felt throughout all of King County. We put together some resources to help you and your family stay afloat during these tough times.
Senior property tax relief

Rod and his 91 year-old father Al Dembowski at an Armistice Centennial Ceremony. Al still lives in his longtime home in Renton and loves the independence and peace of mind that affords him.
February 2020 | Too many senior homeowners struggle to pay their property taxes. That’s why for years I’ve advocated for a change in the state’s senior property tax exemption law to allow more seniors to qualify for relief. More about senior property tax relief.
Taking action on climate change

Councilmember Dembowski with a new charging station.
October 10, 2019 | Global climate change and the impact of harmful emissions are some of the most pressing issues facing the world today. Locally, we see the impacts on our environment, economy and quality of life. Acidification of Puget Sound and warming in the seas, for example, are already impacting shellfish and seafood and the industries and communities that rely on those harvests. Increased frequency and intensity of adverse weather events and forest fires adversely impact our health and safety. While no single community or initiative can address this monumental challenge alone, local action and continued strategic work is essential in combating this serious risk to humanity.
King County has long been a leader in working to reduce carbon emissions. Our Strategic Climate Action Plan guides our work. We are on a path to reducing emissions from County operations to a net zero. We are leading the nation in converting our bus system to a zero emissions fleet. We are conserving farms and forest land and planting 1 million trees to capture carbon. But we all recognize that there is more work to do and that we must pick up the pace. Read more about climate action in my newsletter.
$318 million for new early learning facilities, K-12 programs, college and career support for underserved youth in King County
August 28, 2019 | The King County Council passed legislation allocating roughly $318 million in education funding to be spent over the next 15 years on improving educational outcomes for underserved populations in King County. The Council identified three priority educational areas for the future allocation of proceeds from the Puget Sound Taxpayers Accountability Account (PSTAA): early learning; K-12 education for vulnerable and underserved youth; and college, career and technical education. The Motion also prioritizes improving educational outcomes for several underserved populations. Read more about this education funding.
Promoting safe, welcoming, and inclusive communities for all
June 2019 | Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles and I unfurled a Pride flag from the top of the King County Courthouse for the first time ever this June. I am proud King County is committed to promoting safe, welcoming, and inclusive communities for all.
Dembowski named 2019 Chair of the Council
January 2019 | On January 8, my fellow councilmembers elected me as the new Chair of the King County Council for 2019. My colleagues Reagan Dunn and Claudia Balducci will serve as Vice Chairs. We live in times of increasing economic disparity, where the middle class and our most vulnerable residents face unprecedented challenges. King County has a tremendous opportunity to improve every community in our region and the tools to make it happen. I appreciate the trust my colleagues have placed in me to guide that work and Chair the council in 2019. Find out more about the reorganization of the King County Council.
Highlights from 2018, looking forward to 2019
Putting your county budget to work on our shared priorities

Councilmember Dembowski and Shoreline Mayor Will Hall, with Chiefs of Police, City Managers and School District leaders from Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, Bothell and Kirkland, working to secure funds for the RADAR & Navigator Programs.
November 2018 | Every two years, the King County Council analyzes the Executive’s proposed biennial budget before adopting a final County Budget in November. The budget is the story of who we are, our priorities, and how we respond in times of need and crisis. A priority for me is, and has always been, to address economic inequality and poverty in King County. With my colleagues, I secured $330 million for thousands of new housing units and shelter beds, funding to begin implementation of low/no-cost transit fare for low-income riders, investment from the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency sales tax to fund the successful Mental Health Navigator and Response, Awareness, De-escalation and Referral (RADAR) program, and much more. Find out more about the 2019-2020 budget, including investments for North King County.
Promoting environmentally friendly, healthy dry cleaning

Sun Drive-In Cleaners owners Mr. and Mrs. Park, Board of Health Chair Rod Dembowski, Board of Health member Jeanne Kohl-Welles, and Lynda Ransley, Program Director for King County’s Local Hazardous Waste Management Program.
November 2018 | Cancer prevention has been a top priority during my tenure as Chair of the King County Board of Health. In addition to passing tobacco-free parks policies this year, I have also worked closely with the County’s Local Hazardous Waste Management Program (LHWMP) to help local businesses switch to an environmentally safer dry cleaning method that reduces exposure to dangerous chemicals.
Approximately 70 dry cleaners in the county are using perchloroethylene (PERC), an identified carcinogen, to clean clothes. This summer, King County awarded $20,000 grants to five family-owned dry cleaners to support the transition to wet cleaning. Going forward, the agency anticipates helping 10 local dry cleaners per year with $20,000 grants, with the goal of eliminating the use of PERC in all King County dry cleaners by 2025. Learn more about the grant program.
Voted against public funding for Safeco Field
November 2018 | King County receives significant funds from a lodging tax on hotel, motel, and short-term rental stays occurring countywide. The funds are restricted in use by state law to one of four purposes: (1) Arts & Heritage programs, (2) Affordable housing, (3) Services for homeless youth, and (4) Tourism promotion. Earlier this year, acting on a proposal from County Executive Dow Constantine, the County Council voted to divert $135 million in lodging tax revenue to support improvements to Safeco Field over 25 years.
I opposed and voted against this ordinance, as I believe we should prioritize our most pressing community needs like housing and services for homeless youth, and avoid asking homeowners to raise their taxes when existing revenues like the lodging tax are available. Read more about my position.
Tobacco-free stadiums

On May 15th Rod signed Board of Health Rule and Regulation 18-02, officially making all King County stadiums tobacco free.
May 15, 2018 | As the Chair of the Board of Health I was proud to sponsor a new county-wide regulation prohibiting the use of smokeless tobacco at all professional sporting events in King County. The regulation completes the full ban of tobacco use of any kind at Century Link and Safeco fields, as well as Key Arena.
I was moved by young Mariners fans who testified before the Board of Health and honored that they joined me at the official signing ceremony at Safeco Field. They made perfectly clear that watching their heroes chew smokeless tobacco conflicted with their understanding of the dangerous substance, effectively persuading the Board of Health that is was time for action.
The regulation received support from both the Seattle Mariners and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, a national advocacy organization. The new regulation makes Safeco Field the 15th Major League Baseball stadium to become completely tobacco-free.
Councilmember Dembowski awarded Public Official of the Year by the Municipal League

Rod was honored to receive the Public Official of the Year award at the 59th Annual Municipal League Civic Awards.
May 10, 2018 | The Municipal League Foundation of King County awarded Councilmember Rod Dembowski with their prestigious Public Official of the Year award on May 10, 2018. Councilmember Dembowski was presented the award by the Executive Director of Mary’s Place, Marty Hartman. Ms. Hartman highlighted Councilmember Dembowski’s leadership in opening the new Mary’s Place shelter in Kenmore that is offering a home to more than 60 women and children.
The Municipal League Foundation has been leading nonpartisan civic engagement in King County for over 100 years. Each year the organization highlights, “both long time and unsung heroes in our community,” with their annual Civic Awards. More information can be found here.