Conservation Futures application processĀ
Apply for Conservation Futures funding to add parks and open spaces to your community
The application round for 2026 funding will open on November 4, 2024. Applications are due February 10, 2025.
CFT grants are used to buy or conserve sites that will be used as parks and open spaces - for example, urban greenspaces and parks, natural areas, sites for habitat and stream restoration, forests, community gardens, farms, and trails. These open spaces may be used for passive recreation. We may be able to partner on green stormwater acquisitions or create parks near affordable housing. CFT funding is provided to governmental agencies and eligible nature conservancy or historic preservation nonprofits (please visit our nonprofit page for more information). Community groups or individuals can partner on projects with local agencies and eligible nonprofits.
In communities that have been under-served with open space investments, CFT funding may be able to cover 100% of the acquisition costs for some projects. Please visit the match waiver page for details.

Application materials:
- CFT Application Guidance - please read for guidance on maps & submittal process
- Projects Applying for Acquisition and Site Stabilization Cost Funding: download both of the following documents
- CFT application for 2026 funding (Microsoft Word)
- CFT funding request table (Microsoft Excel)
- Projects Applying for Site Stabilization Cost (SSC) Funding Only: download both of the following documents
- CFT application for 2026 funding – site stabilization costs (SSC) only (Microsoft Word)
- CFT funding request table – site stabilization costs (SSC) only (Microsoft Excel)
Additional references:
- Schedule
- Conservation Futures Program manual
- Application evaluation criteria and general conditions
- Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Match waiver information
- Nonprofit applicants
- View examples of recent applications
- Conservation Futures flyer
Applicant Support
General project support
- Contact us: Please email Ingrid Lundin to discuss your project - highly recommended for first-time applicants; nonprofits; match waiver requests; land match projects; projects with areas not eligible for CFT.
- Weekly office hours: Come to our weekly office hours on Wednesdays from 1-2 pm (occurring between November 6 and February 5 – except no office hours on November 27, December 25, January 1). Click on this link during Wednesday office hours to join us on Zoom.
- Nonprofits: Please email Ingrid Lundin as soon as possible to set up a meeting. Workshop #3 below is designed specifically for first-time nonprofit applicants (though you are welcome to attend any of our workshops). Review the nonprofit webpage for more information.
Attend a Conservation Futures Application Workshop to learn how Conservation Futures funding can help buy parks and open spaces for your community. Workshops are held on Zoom and advanced registration is required. Our workshops are tailored to various types of applicants as noted below, though you are welcome to attend any workshop. Get the workshop handout.
- Workshop #1 (for first-time applicants): Monday, November 18, 2024
- Workshop #2 (for first-time nonprofit applicants): Wednesday, November 20, 2024
- Workshop #3 (for returning applicants): Thursday, November 21, 2024
- Workshop #4 (for first-time applicants): Tuesday, December 3, 2024
If you can’t join one of these sessions, you can view a recording of a first-time applicant workshop:
- Workshop recording (see workshop handout)
- Workshop recording (taller para solicitantes, subtítulos en Español) (folleto en Español)
Technical assistance
We have consultants providing free grant-writing technical assistance to applicants. To request help please email Ingrid Lundin as early as possible and no later than January 10.
Email Ingrid Lundin with requests for interpretation and translation.