Green building tools
King County’s GreenTools program enhances the built environment while addressing environmental concerns such as climate action, habitat restoration, waste reduction, and community planning. Our collaborative approach integrates equity for people, economic vitality, and environmental well-being. We actively engage with communities to ensure present needs are met, while benefiting future generations.
Our program offers technical assistance, hands-on training, and policy development. Find resources for building sustainably, green building certification, recycling construction materials, and more.

Green tools for builders & homeowners
Learn about sustainable building practices. We have remodeling guides, tips for rural building projects, case studies, green building certification, and information on affordable housing development.
Green Building Handbook
Learn strategies to make your next home project more efficient and sustainable
Green Building Ordinance and resources
Find guidance on King County’s Green Building and Sustainable Development ordinance, the Sustainable Infrastructure Scorecard, and other helpful Green Building Team resources.
Post-Construction Soil Standard
Learn how to restore and protect healthy soils to meet King County’s post-construction soil standard.
King County Sustainable Communities
Find info on implementing a municipal green building program.
King County's green building commitments and projects
Learn about King County’s Zero Energy and Living Building Challenge projects
Other green building resources
Construction & Demolition (C&D)
Find information on C&D recycling and designated facilities.
Surface Water Design Manual Standard/NPDES
Info on surface and stormwater management.
What do I do with...?
Find businesses that accept items for recycling, donation, or disposal.
Climate action
King County’s response to climate change.
Solid waste planning & monitoring
Find the current Comp Plan and other solid waste reports
Clean Water Healthy Habitat Initiative
Learn about King County’s initiative to protect water quality and habitat to benefit the people, salmon, and orcas that call our region home.