Flood services

Flood warning system and alerts
Resources to warn you about rising floodwaters on six King County rivers and Issaquah Creek.
Important phone numbers and links for flooding
Recommended contacts for flood preparation and emergencies.
How to prepare for flooding
Information and resources to help you be prepared before, during, and after a flood.
Flood hazard maps
Flood hazard maps can help communities understand their risk of flooding, channel migration, and landslides.
Flooding in King County watersheds
Information about flood risks, resources, and projects happening in your area.
Capital projects and studies
Projects that identify flood hazards and reduce flood risks to people, property, and the environment.
Flood services programs
Information about home elevation and home buyout programs to reduce flood risks. Information about the County’s participation in the Community Rating System, a program developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
King County Flood Management Plan
Learn about the County’s plan for managing flood risks along our rivers, creeks, and shorelines.
King County Flood Control District
Semi-annual performance reports and information about the Flood Control District.