Dutchman Road Revetment Repair Project
We would like to hear from you!
If you would like to provide feedback on this project, please review the selected alternative summary report and email your comments to seth.ballhorn@kingcounty.gov by Jan. 31, 2025. Comments will be considered during the next design phase.
Project overview
The Dutchman Road Revetment is located on the north bank of the Snoqualmie River, about one mile downstream of the Northeast Woodinville Duvall Road Bridge. In recent years, high river flows have damaged parts of the revetment causing a safety risk. The riverbank could erode further and damage West Snoqualmie River Road Northeast.
The King County Flood Control District, together with King County as service provider, plans to repair the damaged area of the revetment as well as a damaged culvert in the summer of 2026. This repair project will reduce riverbank erosion risks to property, local utilities, and roads.

Project update
King County evaluated several conceptual design alternatives that would address the damaged revetment and drainage infrastructure as part of a planning process known as an alternatives analysis. The King County Flood Control District selected an alternative to repair the revetment in December 2023. The selected alternative will repair damages at three locations along the revetment. Additionally, King County will remove an undersized, damaged culvert on the revetment and construct a small alcove area. The alcove will provide refuge for young salmon and other fish. Rock and logs will protect the alcove from erosion.
What is a revetment?

Project goals
- Repair damage and improve stability of the revetment to reduce bank erosion caused by flooding.
- Conduct repair in a timely manner to prevent more expensive emergency repairs and long-term maintenance needs.
- Improve habitat for salmon and other fish and wildlife.
Anticipated project schedule
Activity | Date |
Design and permitting | 2021 to 2026 |
Target construction start | Summer 2026 |
Site monitoring and project closing | 2026 to 2027 |
Construction impacts
King County is working to limit the impacts of construction. Construction may temporarily impact use of West Snoqualmie River Road Northeast. The road will remain open but may have restricted lane access during construction.
We will update this webpage as the project moves through design and permitting. We will also notify local businesses and residents before and during construction. To receive updates, please sign up for the project email list.
Project documents
Dutchman Road Revetment Repair Project Selected Alternative Summary Report: High-level report describing the project background and key project features.
Dutchman Road Revetment Repair Alternatives Analysis Report: In-depth technical report with engineering designs for each alternative conceptual design as well technical and cost-benefit analysis.