Violation forms and postings
Information about companies who violated King County wastewater rules.
King County’s Industrial Waste Program (KCIW) regulates industries that discharge wastewater to the sanitary sewer system. These regulations protect worker safety, the local and regional sewer and treatment infrastructure, and biosolids. KCIW monitors compliance according to federal, state, and local regulations.
Many companies must pretreat their wastewater before they put it into the sanitary sewer system and comply with reporting, monitoring, and discharge requirements. KCIW is required to report on companies who violate wastewater rules.
Violation forms
14-day report for discharge or permit violation
This fillable form with certification language can be used by facilities for a 14-day report following a violation. Facilities can also use this form as a cover letter for a 14-day report on a violation, if another person, such as a consultant to a facility, is providing additional information concerning the violation.
Download the 14-day report for discharge or permit violation (34KB)
Report certification statement
This cover sheet contains certification language that facilities can use as a cover letter for complete 14-day reports or other required reports, whether prepared by the signatory or another.
How to avoid penalties
Late submissions are a frequent and preventable reason for violations and fines. Plan ahead. File your applications and reports on time.
Helpful tips
- Your permit shows your specific deadlines
- You can contact the King County Industrial Waste (KCIW) program and ask for an extension to avoid being late
- You can send your reports electronically to KCIW by emailing