Financial Management Services
Information about the Financial Management Services (FMS) section of FBOD, with links to annual financial reports and other resources
Welcome to the Financial Management Services section! FMS maintains the county's central accounting records and prepares countywide financial reports and official statements. FMS also supports the county's financial systems and provides grant compliance, billing, and collection services.
Financial Accounting
This workgroup prepares the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). These reports have details on King County's financial condition and financial results of operations. Financial Accounting also maintains the county's central accounting records and prepares countywide financial reports and official statements required for bond issues. Fixed asset accounting maintains records for all county fixed assets.
Financial Systems and Services
FS&S manages the county's Oracle EBS and other financial systems, including monitoring and processing system interfaces and imports, defining and maintaining master data, and the opening and closing of periods for the Oracle modules. FS&S also prepares technical system and operational reference materials, provides King County agencies with educational offerings and system research, and provides system support for all county agencies as well as Special Districts.
Grants Compliance
This workgroup develops recommendations for financial, operational, and policy decisions related to the compliance and administration of grant and Federal assistance programs. It also provides grant compliance technical assistance and analytical expertise, information and advice, and access to resources and educational opportunities that assist King County agencies and departments with related grant administration issues.
Accounts Receivable
AR bills customers for services provided by various King County agencies. AR also develops policies and procedures to maintain internal controls over the receiving of public funds, performs collection efforts on delinquent accounts, and responds to customer or agency inquiries. At year-end, AR performs an aging analysis of accounts receivable, and performs the critical reconciliation of the accounts receivable module to the general ledger to support the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) process.
IMPORTANT: When making an electronic bill payment to Accounts Receivable, please include the invoice number and account number to avoid returns. Remit addresses are as follows:
Public Health
Accounting Services
401 Fifth Ave., Suite 1200
Seattle, WA 98104
FMD Real Estate Services
401 Fifth Ave., Suite 900
Mailstop CNK-ES-0900
Seattle, WA 98104
General Accounts Receivable
201 S. Jackson St., Suite 714
Mailstop KSC-ES-0714
Seattle, WA 98104
Financial Reports
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

Download the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
The ACFR is a detailed presentation of King County's financial condition, including revenues, expenditures, statistical information, and the independent auditor's report. For more details, previous reports, or for translations, visit the ACFR webpage.
Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)

Download the 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)
The PAFR is an easier-to-read, primarily graphical overview of the information presented in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). Though not audited, the content is derived from King County's audited ACFR. For more details, previous reports, or for translations, visit the PAFR webpage.