About Trip Planner
Discover how our Trip Planner can help you find the quickest routes, real-time departures, and essential transit information.

Get your trip plan into gear
Need more options when planning your trip? Select the “gear” icon and a new screen will allow you to specify your departure or arrive times and dates, route options and modes of travel.
Improved address and location recognition
The search functionality is enhanced for improved recognition of addresses, locations and landmarks.
Next departure and schedule lookup
View real time next departure predictions at stops, or access scheduled timetable information.
Tracker integration
Tracker is now integrated, allowing quick access to map views of real time vehicle locations.
Point-to-point functionality
View a list of direct transit trips operating between two points within a specified time window.
Easy access to alerts
View associated alerts in trip itineraries, stop displays and route information.
View nearby stops and passing routes
See stops closest to your current location and identify the paths of nearby transit service.
We want your feedback
Once you’ve tried the Trip Planner please give us feedback about your experience.
We're here to help
Call Metro’s Customer Information line at 206-553-3000 on weekdays from 6 am to 6 pm for assistance with stop IDs and transit information.