Text for departures
Get the next departure times for your stop
Find the next departure times of transit service at your stop by texting your stop ID to 62550, and you will receive a return message with the next departure times at that stop.

Finding stop ID numbers
On bus stop signs
Bus stop ID numbers are posted on the signage at nearly every bus stop.
In Trip Planner
Stop ID numbers can be found when you use Metro’s Trip Planner.
By calling us
You can also call us at 206-553-3000 to obtain stop ID numbers.
How it works
TEXT your stop ID to 62550 to get the next departure times for transit service at that stop (one reply per request/message and data rates may apply). Include a specific route number after the stop ID to see departure times for just that route.
When you send your message, you will receive a response message that will show the times for the next routes departing at that stop.
Predicted departure times can change as vehicles get closer to stops. Metro recommends that riders still arrive at stops about 5 minutes before the predicted departure time, and check next departures more than once to make sure the vehicle isn't running faster or slower than last reported.
Screen messages
Message | Description |
now | The bus is estimated to be at, or very near, your stop. This usually means the bus should arrive within 1-2 minutes or may have just left the stop. |
6 min | The bus is estimated to arrive in 6 minutes. |
10:25a | The bus is estimated to arrive at 10:25 AM. |
10:25a (s) | An "s" after the time indicates the scheduled time for that route, not an estimate. This occurs when the vehicle is either too far away to make an accurate prediction or for some reason the vehicle is not currently reporting data to the system. |
10:25a (canceled) | The bus scheduled to arrive at 10:25 AM has been canceled. |
! See Alerts bit.ly/transitalerts |
This indicates a service alert is active for one or more routes serving this stop. bit.ly/transitalerts is a link to the King County Metro Alerts webpage for more detailed information. |
Destination signage (example): 255 BRKYD PR 255 TOTEM LK TC |
The route destination sign, or shortened version of it, is displayed when a route may have more than one destination, or when both directions of a route serve the same stop. |
No service at this time. | There is no service scheduled at that stop currently. |
Route __ does not serve Stop __ | The specified route does not serve the specified stop. |
Stop __ does not exist. | The specified stop ID does not exist or is not currently active in our system. |
Accuracy of predicted times
The accuracy of estimated departure times varies depending upon many factors including changes in traffic patterns, weather, accidents, detours etc. The closer the vehicle is to your stop the more accurate the prediction is likely to be.
Generally the service is accurate to within a couple of minutes. Because Express service has fewer stops and travels on both highways and local streets, predictions on those routes may be less accurate.
For operational efficiency, many buses change routes throughout the service day, especially when approaching downtown Seattle. If your stop is just after the point where a bus changes route numbers, the estimates may not be as accurate.
Terms and conditions
I confirm that I hold the account corresponding to the mobile phone number I have used, or that I have the account holder's permission to use this service. By texting to 62550, you acknowledge that you agree to terms and conditions of service.
The King County Metro texting service provides mobile users and King County Metro riders the ability to retrieve scheduled and predicted information of service at transit stops. Users initiate requests by texting a stop ID from their device(s) to short code 62550.
Text HELP at any time to 62550 for basic instructions and a link to this information page. Users may also call Metro's Customer Information line at 206-553-3000 for assistance with stop IDs and transit information.
There is no cost from King County Metro to use this service, however, message and data rates may apply. Charges are dependent on your service plan which may include fees from your carrier to send and receive text messages. One (1) text message is sent per request.
The King County Metro texting service will be available to users of the following mobile networks: Alltel, Appalachian Wireless, AT&T, Bluegrass Cellular, Boost Mobile, Cellcom, Cellular South, Centennial Wireless, Cincinnati Bell, GCI, Immix Wireless, Inland Cellular, IV Cellular, Nex-Tech Wireless, Nextel Communications, nTelos, Revol Wireless, Sprint PCS, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, United Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Virgin Mobile USA, and West Central Wireless. T-Mobile, all other mobile network providers, and King County Metro are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
While every effort has been applied to this tool to make it as accurate and useful as possible, there are many circumstances in which the information provided may not meet every expectation, and no departure time is guaranteed. Users should not depend solely on, or use this information as their only source for, determinations of actions they need to take in order to be at a specific place at a specific time. Transit riders are advised to use multiple tools, as well as their own judgment in light of weather, traffic and other local conditions. King County and Metro Transit are not liable for missed time or connections based on the information provided by this texting service.