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2009 – News about Councilmember Reagan Dunn

View 2009 press releases from Councilmember Dunn.

December 18, 2009
Dunn Applauds Senate action on Pratt River Wilderness Bill
"I commend Congressman Reichert for leading the visionary effort to add the Pratt River Valley to the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. I knew from the beginning that this was something we could count on a bipartisan effort to accomplish, and I know Senator Murray will work until the measure is signed into law."

December 14, 2009
Council adopts funding for King County Fair and 4-H in 4th Quarter Supplemental Budget
"I'm hopeful that this funding can continue the fair that we all love. It was a real struggle to find this funding and I hope it is enough for the city of Enumclaw to put on the event in 2010. I am a true believer in its importance to our community."

December 14, 2009
County Council adopts Juvenile Court facilities plan
"I was pleased to work with the Executive and the Judges to finally make a decision to move this very important project forward. It was quite an effort to bring everyone together in a shared vision but we finally got it done."

December 7, 2009
Council Committee interviews 4 candidates recommended for Constantine vacancy in District 8
"I want to thank the advisory committee and the candidates for their work. Each of the candidates were very well qualified and would do a good job representing the citizens of District 8."

November 24, 2009
County Council receives 11 applications for Constantine vacancy in District 8
"The process is in place to quickly review the applications we've received. With input from the advisory committee, I expect the Council to make the appointment before the end of the year."

November 23, 2009
Dunn: Good news and bad news in adopted 2010 Budget
"Spending reserves to balance the budget is not sustainable. For another year King County has failed to address the structural budget gap created by too much spending and not enough revenue. Everyone is talking about the structural budget gap being a revenue problem. There is another side to that equation - spending. I'm hopeful that a new Executive can begin to address the main driver of the general fund, which is salaries and benefits."

November 23, 2009
King County Council unanimously adopts 2010 Budget that keeps basic services on the streets, cuts costs, and increases efficiencies
"I am very pleased with the priorities set by this budget. Public safety must be our top concern and this budget makes that the number one priority. However, we face an even tougher challenge in maintaining basic services next year. If the county cannot get a handle on the cost drivers of the general fund then we will be back here year after year."

November 16, 2009
King County Council adopts tax-neutral financing that maintains Metro bus service despite steep decline in revenues
"This is a real coup for taxpayers. We rolled up our sleeves and made Metro more efficient. Taxpayers don't have to pay more and commuters still have their buses. It's definitely a win for everyone."

November 2, 2009
Council recognizes 30 Years of farmland preservation
"Thirty years ago, the voters instructed the county to preserve farmland for future generations before it was too late. The Farmland Preservation Program has accomplished that goal and continues to be a tool for ensuring a future for farming in King County - which means a future where farmers continue and pass on their trade and locals can buy produce and other farm products that sustain the local economy and environment."

October 26, 2009
King County Auditor presents new findings on leadership, organization and operation of County animal shelter
"I am sorry to say this audit underscores the problems that continue to plague the King County animal shelter."

October 19, 2009
Council authorizes emergency funding for relocation of County services and protection of County facilities in flood-threatened Green River Valley
"This emergency funding to protect our wastewater facility could save millions in property damage. Preserving county services and protecting the wastewater facilities from damage are key elements of responsible planning and response to the flood threat."

October 13, 2009
Dunn fights for King County Fair funding after success of 2009 event
"At the end of the day this is about more than a fair. It's about supporting our rural communities, preserving that proud 146-year legacy, and keeping the door open to a thriving future for agriculture in King County."

October 12, 2009
County Council adopts reforms for public records disclosure
"Transparency in government is always what we should be striving for and providing standardized disclosure forms will assist our citizens in accessing their government and its decisions. I am confident that by incorporating the recommendations of our state Attorney General we are strengthening our commitment to an open process at all levels of government."

October 12, 2009
"Mega-shelters" being scouted to house up to 5,000 potential evacuees from the Green River Valley in the event of flooding from the federal Howard Hanson Dam
"The scenario of King County residents with nowhere to go - or worse, no way to get there is unacceptable. Evacuation and shelter planning will prevent thousands of valley citizens from being stranded."

October 5, 2009
County Council adopts updates to King County Farmland Preservation Program
"The updates will provide more economic opportunities for farmers and strengthen the program overall. The changes were crafted in collaboration with King County farmers, ensuring the program is practical and beneficial to the economic viability of preserved farmland, which is essential for there to be a future for local agriculture."

October 5, 2009
Council told that interim repairs to federal Howard Hanson Dam expected to be done by November 1
"We all know that with a potential catastrophe of this size, interagency coordination and communication is absolutely vital and so far I believe our communities are doing a great job of working with each other and the Corps to keep everyone informed."

September 17, 2009
Dunn introduces updates to King County Farmland Preservation Program
"The King County Farmland Preservation Program has allowed many farmers to continue to operate in King County amid significant pressure from development interests and property cost issues. The program has a successful history and is a key to preserving the presence of local agriculture for generations to come."

September 15, 2009
Another $3.7 million in annual savings and efficiencies identified in audit of Metro Transit
"I will discuss these findings with my colleagues and the Executive to see if there is a plan to minimize cuts to our regional bus system. I'm very hopeful we can come up with a plan that will result in minimal service reductions."

September 1, 2009
Up to $31 million in savings and efficiencies identified in performance audit of Metro Transit
"This audit will be extremely useful in our ongoing efforts to balance the Transit Division's budget. We can use technology already available to become more efficient and cost effective. In doing this we can reduce the time that buses run empty and drivers are waiting for their routes to start. I'm hopeful that these recommendations can be implemented quickly and thus cut less service than previously anticipated."

August 31, 2009
Council authorizes proactive emergency declaration in advance of potential flooding from Howard Hanson Dam
"This is just common sense. It's not a question of whether there will be severe flooding, but when. It seems to me that while we can't control the rainfall we can be proactive in preparing how we deal with an emergency."

August 31, 2009
Charging into the future: Council calls for guidelines for development of electric car charging stations
"I am excited about moving to greener technologies in the county but in order to provide a successful transition of the County's fleet to electric cars, we must have the policies in place to recoup our investment in these charging stations."

August 26, 2009
New risk of flooding from Howard Hanson Dam could threaten County facilities and require emergency relocations
"Potential flooding in the Green River Valley is a reality for which we must prepare now."

August 18, 2009
Public-private partnership urged as means to keep the King County Fair alive
"At the end of the day this is about more than a fair. It's about supporting our rural communities who are proud of the legacy they share with all of us in the county."

August 14, 2009
Preparing to power up: Dunn proposes County develop electric car charging station policies
"If we are going to embrace this technology we need to be ready to supply charging stations at our park and ride lots as well as other county facilities."

August 3, 2009
King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn chosen by Aspen Institute for Rodel Fellowship
"The Institute is held in high regard worldwide for its work on national and international issues. I look forward to serious discussions on King County's budget issues, law enforcement issues, health and social service and other issues of regional importance with my fellow classmates."

July 31, 2009
Dunn seeks support for human rights and fair elections in Iran
"How can we not offer our support to the Iranian people when they are fighting for the same ideals our county has embraced for over 230 years. We have an obligation to speak out against the government of Iran's violation of human rights, election fraud, and ongoing violence against its people."

July 30, 2009
Councilmembers call for comprehensive approach to close Metro Transit deficit
"These are not political gimmicks. These are hard policy choices that we have considered over a period of months. This plan will limit service cuts to a minimal level, while keeping faith with voters who adopted Transit Now."

July 22, 2009
Dunn calls for creation of a "Flood Czar"
"The Green River Valley is home to tens of thousands of residents, major employers and the region's largest warehouse and distribution operations. We need to have a dedicated person at the state level in place to coordinate the overall emergency response needs."

July 20, 2009
Crowds "Go Wild" at 2009 King County Fair
"The credit for the success of the Fair goes to the city of Enumclaw and Mayor John Wise. The Mayor and the City worked very hard in a short period of time to put on a fun and model county fair."

July 13, 2009
Council responds to State audit with call for increased accountability
"We are taking the Auditor's findings very seriously. King County has room for improvement and this legislation is a step in the right direction."

July 10, 2009

"Let's Go Wild" in Enumclaw: City to host King County Fair July 16-18
"This has been an event that I have been going to since I was a little kid and I look forward to bringing my wife and son for years to come."

June 29, 2009
Council calls for new rules to balance salmon habitat with swimmer safety
"This legislation offers another opportunity for the King County Council and cooperating agencies to keep our rivers safe for recreationalists, residents, and to support salmon recovery. Large woody debris is one of many tools for salmon recovery but its placement should not be at odds with public safety."

June 29, 2009
County whistleblower protections strengthened
"We want to encourage our employees to let us know when they see misconduct in county government. To do that they need to feel confident that managers will not retaliate against them. This is a step toward a more accountable government."

June 22, 2009
Ferguson and Dunn call for higher standards of accountability in response to state audit
"This audit shows us that there is work we need to do to make King County government better. It's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work."

May 29, 2009
Ferguson and Dunn propose reforms for King County public records disclosure
"King County has an abysmal record of complying with public records requests. We have paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars in court costs and fines. This is an area that's ripe for reform."

May 26, 2009
Council approves new life for retired vans
"These community organizations are reaching out to people who need something most of us take for granted - basic mobility. That is priceless."

May 19, 2009
Dunn completes District listening tour
"Everywhere I went, I was told by residents that taxes are too high and times are tough. King County needs to stop spending and expecting our citizens to bail them out."

May 11, 2009
Extension of homebuilding permits by County Council will aid struggling housing market
"These extensions will allow builders to get their work started without delay once the economy starts to recover. Making builders repeat the process because their permits have expired would needlessly delay job creation and stifle housing supply right when we will need it to help propel economic growth."

May 4, 2009
Council moves swiftly to fund protection of Raging River open space
"Preservation of the Raging River continues the legacy of keeping the Mountains to Sound Greenway green. King County's contribution to this transaction is integral to making the deal work. I am so proud that we have taken this opportunity and I was proud to help lead the effort."

April 24, 2009
Council Town Hall to discuss Mountains to Sound Greenway
"The Greenway cleans our air, provides habitat for wildlife and salmon, and gives us a place for hiking, fishing, and enjoying the beauty of our region. We owe it to future generations to preserve this Northwest jewel."

April 20, 2009
Dunn promotes preservation of Raging River open space
"The Raging River property is the largest remaining block of open space left in the Mountains to Sound Greenway Regional leaders before us created the Greenway and left it to us to finish. I am so proud that I can play in role in this major acquisition."

April 6, 2009
King County Council implements greater transparency in County budget numbers
"Transparency has the effect of holding policy makers accountable. If people can see what their money is spent on, they have more faith in their government. That is something that is surely lacking among our citizens at this time."

March 23, 2009
Council seeks efficiencies through expanded performance audit of Metro Transit
"In the face of budget shortfalls, we must run transit with the highest efficiency possible. Tough decisions must be made if necessary to provide optimal transit services to the taxpayers who rely on it."

March 10, 2009
Dunn encourages screening for medical condition that took his mother's life
Metropolitan King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn appeared today on the floor of Congress to increase awareness of Deep-Vein Thrombosis (DVT), the condition that took the life of his mother, and to support the work of the Coalition to Prevent DVT.

March 9, 2009
Stockpiled sandbags, better communication and faster cleanup top County Council's responseto future floods
"The major flood event of January taught us some hard lessons. Although King County did some things right, we discovered weaknesses in our response that this legislation works to address. I am confident the adoption of these measures will help us serve citizens better during future floods."

March 9, 2009
Council waives landfill fees for victims of illegal dumping
"Allowing victims of illegal dumping to clean up without having to pay the fees will empower people to keep their neighborhoods clear of garbage and discourage more dumping. It's a fair incentive offered by the County to enable citizens to help keep their community clean."

March 4, 2009
King County Councilmembers praise court victory against rural clearing limits in the Critical Areas Ordinance
"It is clear that an overly restrictive, one-size-fits-all approach to land use regulation is bad policy. I opposed the legislation before, and I look forward to the opportunity to create new policy addressing critical areas that acknowledges unique situations."

February 23, 2009
Enumclaw takes control of King County Fair
"I commend the city for stepping up to the plate and putting the Fair on with a very short lead time. The citizens of Enumclaw spoke out when the Executive tried to cut the Fair and now they are leading the way again. We will use this year to figure out how the fair can be sustainable into the future."

February 10, 2009
Dunn introduces package of flood response reform legislation
Metropolitan King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn today introduced a package of four reforms to address flood response and recovery issues identified in last month's devastating flooding.

February 2, 2009
Sale of Summit Pit clears way for open space, trails, housing and new roads facility
"With the sale of the 'Donut Hole' behind us, we can now focus on the most important details of how this development will come together through joint planning. My amendment to the agreement today ensures that the developer has the option of preserving conservation lands around the city of Maple Valley. It is important to the citizens of my community that they receive a benefit from the impacts of this development."

January 28, 2009
County Councilmembers form suburban caucus
"There are many issues where geography plays an important role in our decision making process. If we want to truly make the transition to nonpartisanship, I think it's important that we begin to change how we talk to each other."

January 26, 2009
Free flood debris disposal extended
"The residents in flood ravaged King County should expect the County to support them in times of natural disaster."

January 13, 2009
Dunn to chair County Council's new Government Accountability and Oversight committee
"With the county in financial distress, the GAO Committee has a real opportunity to make King County more efficient and save the taxpayer's money."
