Contact or visit a youth in detention
We recognize and value the importance of each youth’s staying in contact with their family and support system. We have tried to make these connections as convenient as possible to maintain.
There are 3 main ways to stay in contact with a youth in detention in King County:
- Phone
- Video visit
- In-person visit
There are specific guidelines to follow for each contact method.
Juvenile Legal System Family Handbook
This handbook is a guide to the King County Juvenile Legal System. It aims to help families and guardians understand and navigate the legal system. It also has helpful information and resources for community service providers.
View the handbook in non-English languages:
የወጣቶች የህግ ስርዓት መመሪያ መጽሐፍ (Amharic)
Семейный справочник по системе ювенальной юстиции (Russian)
Buug-gacmeedka Nidaamka Sharciga ee Carruurta (Somali)
Guía Del Sistema Judicial Para Familias (Spanish)
Youth in detention can make free phone calls to parents and guardians. They can place collect calls to others on a regular basis. The collect call fees are charged to the receiving party.
Youth in detention cannot receive phone calls.
Video visit
Video visitation allows parents and guardians to visit youth without traveling or waiting in long lines. All video visitation at the Clark Children and Family Justice Center is free.
How to do a remote online video visit
Our remote video visitation is hosted through Securus Video Visitation. Remote video visitation can be accessed online using your own computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Sign up for Securus Video Visitation
Download the free Securus app from the Apple App Store
Download the free Securus app from Google Play
For more information call Securus at 1-877-578-3658 or visit Securus online.
Please note these guidelines for video visits:
- Visits may be up to 25 minutes long.
- Each youth may have up to six video visits per week.
- Video visits are free.
- Only parents and guardians can schedule video visits with youth. Other visitors may be approved by a probation counselor at the request of the youth.
Monday through Friday
3:30 pm to 8 pm
Saturday and Sunday
9 am to 2:30 pm, and
3:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Video visits are unavailable during mealtimes. Meals are served in detention from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, and from 5 pm to 6 pm

In-person visit
Family members and attorneys may visit youth in detention at the Clark Children and Family Justice Center. Family may include parents and guardians, as well as siblings under the age of 12, and other persons approved by probation.
Learn more about our youth detention center.
Map to the Clark Children and Family Justice Center
In-person visits with youth in detention are now available to parents and legal guardians.
- Scheduling is by appointment only by contacting 206-477-9897.
- A new schedule for the following week will be available on Fridays.
- All visitors and youth must wear a mask during visits. If they do not have a mask, a mask will be provided.
- Parents and legal guardians may visit twice a week for up to 45 minutes.
- Family visitation hours are from: 5:30 pm to 8:15 pm (weekdays) and 9 am to 8:15 pm (weekends) in 1-hour blocks.
Visitation requirements
Before being admitted to the no-contact room, visitors must comply with the following requirements:
- Childcare is not available at the Clark Children and Family Justice Center. It is best not to bring other children when visiting. If you do bring children with you for a detention visit, remember only children under 12 years of age are allowed into detention visiting.
- Visitors must wear a cloth or disposable mask. Bandanas, gaiters, buffs, vented masks, and face shields are not permissible substitutes for cloth/disposable masks, since these types of face coverings are ineffective at stopping Coronavirus transmission.
- A disposable mask is available at the lobby window upon request.
Temporary free parking is available on the top levels of the parking garage located off 12th Avenue at the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center.
Visiting members of the public can get their parking validated at several locations within the Clark Children and Family Justice Center.