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Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)

Wraparound Services

There are two wraparound service programs available to youth in King County. Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) is available to qualifying Medicaid eligible youth and MIDD Wraparound is available to qualifying non-Medicaid eligible youth.

Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe): Medicaid-eligible youth

WISe is a voluntary service that uses a team approach to meet a child/youth's needs. It provides intensive mental health services to support youth and their family to meet their goals. The focus of WISe is:

  • To provide intensive mental health services designed to assist children, youth, and their families in achieving wellness, safety, and to strengthen relationships within their community.
  • To develop an individualized care plan, based on strengths and needs that respect their family culture, norms, and preferences.
  • Within the team approach, team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, CPS, and probation officers).
  • To offer services and supports in locations and at times that work best for children, youth, and families (including in the house or a public location of choice, and on evenings or weekends).
  • To identify or provide resources and supports for children, youth, and their families.
  • To provide help during a time of crisis.

Who is eligible for WISe?

  • For individuals, up to 21 years of age, with complex behavioral health needs, that could benefit from a higher level of care or is at risk of out of home placement
  • Individual is Mediciad Eligible
  • ANYONE can make a referral to WISe
  • Screening requirements:
    • Medicaid Eligibility
    • Completion of a CANS Screen (Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths)
    • Meet the CANS Screening Algorithim
    • Meet the Access to Care Standards (standards used by mental health agencies to get the right level of services to individuals)

How do I refer a child or youth to WISe?

Referrals for a WISe screen can be made anytime directly to a WISe agency. All referrals should result in a CANS (Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths tool) screening. This screen will determine whether it appears your child could benefit from the level of care WISe offers. This screening tool can be completed over the phone or in-person. To find out who to contact please refer to the table below.


Service Area, School Districts Served and/or Specialty

Catholic Community Services

Phone: 253-759-9544


Burien, Highline, Renton, Tukwila, Kent, Auburn, Federal Way, and Enumclaw

Center for Human Services

Phone: 206-631-8801

Fax: 206-362-7152


Lake Washington (Kirkland), Northshore, Riverview, Shoreline, and North Seattle

Akin (formerly Childhaven)

Phone: 206-957-4841

Fax: 206-433-8566


Auburn, Kent, Federal Way, Des Moines, Sea Tac, Burien, White Center, Skyway, Renton, Seattle, Bellevue, Issaquah, Redmond, 

Kirkland, Carnation, Snoqualmie, and North Bend

Specialty: Agest birth through 13 (enroll up to age 12.5)

Lutheran Community Services Northwest

Phone: 206-238-0946

Fax: 206-694-5727


All King County

Specialty: immigrant/refugee youth, transition age youth, age 8-21


Phone: 206517-0234

Fax: 206-525-9795

Seattle, Shoreline, Northshore, and Lake Washington


Phone: 206-948-0096


South King County and South Seattle, West Seattle, Renton, White Center, Burien, Tukwila, Sea Tac, and Des Moines


Phone: 206-451-9544

Fax: 206-634-3596


All King County

Therapeutic Health Services

Phone: 206-322-7676, x 6206


Accepts Community Health Plan of Washington, Coordinated Care, and United Health Care Insurances

Valley Cities Behavioral Health

Phone: 206-408-5246

Fax: 253-856-1025


Auburn, Enumclaw, Federal Way, Highline, Kent, Renton, Tahoma, Covington/Maple Valley


Phone: 206-327-4772



All King County

Ages up to 20

Accepts Community Health Plan of Washington, Coordinated Care, and Molina insurances


 YMCA Transition Age Youth

Phone: 206-735-1065

 Specialty: Ages 16-21, current foster care or alumni; must be current members of Coordinated Care

You Grow Girl

Phone: 206-643-9622

Fax: 206-260-7464

All King County

Specialty: serving female and female identifying youth

Youth Eastside Services

Phone: 425-747-4937

Bellevue, Redmond, and Kirkland

MIDD (non-Medicaid) Wraparound

Wraparound is a team-based planning process for youth with complex needs and their families designed to help produce better outcomes for youth so that they can live in their homes and communities and realize their hopes and dreams.
  • A team of individuals who are relevant to the well-being of a youth (family members, service providers, school staff, community members, and natural supports) will be developed;
  • This team will collaboratively develop and implement an individualized plan of care, monitor the efficacy of the plan, and work towards success over time.
  • This plan of care is based on strengths and needs that respect the youth's and their family's culture, values, norms, and preferences.


Who is eligible for MIDD Wraparound?

Children/youth up to 21 years of age, living in King County, who consent, along with their caregiver/guardian, to participate and who:

  • Are not eligible for Medicaid
  • have concerning behaviors at home, school, and in the community;
  • are enrolled in and participating in at least two of the following services: mental health therapy, substance use therapy, special education, Department of Children Youth and Families, Juvenile Justice, or Developmental Disabilities Administration; and
  • youth, up to age 17.5 who may be in need of admission to a more restrictive mental health setting such as the Children's Long-term Inpatient Program (CLIP).

How do I refer a child or youth to MIDD Wraparound?

Please complete the referral form below and fax it to 206-205-1634.

King County BHRD MIDD Wraparound Referral Form

For questions about King County youth wraparound services, please contact:

Sara Waters, Children and Youth Care Manager

