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Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers

Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers

Document Code No.: LUD 12-1 (PR)
Department/Issuing Agency: Department of Natural Resources and Parks
Effective Date: April 30, 2010
Approved: /s/ Bob Burns
Type of Action: New

Signed document (PDF, 155 KB)

1.0 SUBJECT TITLE: Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers

1.1 EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of this Public Rule is March 31, 2010 or thirty days after filing with the Clerk of the Council, whichever comes later.


1.3 KEY WORDS: (1) large wood; (2) large wood placement; (3) mitigation; (4) public safety; (5) recreation.


2.1 To consider public safety issues in the design of projects involving the placement of large wood in King County rivers and streams.

2.2 To evaluate strategies for design of wood placements that will maximize project benefits and minimize risks to public safety.

2.3 To make available to the public the opportunity to provide input on proposed projects utilizing large wood.


3.1 The Department of Natural Resources and Parks.


4.1 King County Code chapter 2.98.

4.2 King County Ordinance No. 16581 (2009).

4.3 King County Code Title 21A.

4.4 King County Comprehensive Plan Policies E-405, E-406, E-408, E-422, E-438, E-471 (2008) available at: 

As of December 27, 2012, this link is no longer active. Additional information can be located on the Department of Permitting and Environmental Review's website.   

4.5 King County Council adopted salmon recovery plans for Water Resource Inventory Areas 7, 8 and 9 (2005 and 2006) available at:

4.6 King County Flood Hazard Management Plan Policies G-3, G-9, G-10, PROJ-6, RCM-1, RCM-2 (2006) available at:


5.1 Large wood: The term "large wood" refers to downed trees, but does not include rooted, standing vegetation. (Large wood is also known as logs, large woody debris, coarse woody debris, snags, and large organic debris.)

5.2 Large wood placement: The deliberate placement of large wood in rivers and streams by physically depositing pieces in or near the channel, or installing them in an engineered structure, for any purpose, including flood protection, bank stabilization, mitigation, and habitat improvement or restoration.

5.3 Public safety: Unless otherwise noted, the term public safety is used in this document to reflect the safety of members of the public and water users of the rivers and streams in King County


6.1 The Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers contained in Appendix A to this public rule, which is incorporated herein by this reference, presents the processes and procedures that the Department of Natural Resources and Parks shall follow in order to properly consider public safety in the design and implementation of projects involving placement of large wood in King County rivers and streams.

6.2 This Public Rule is exempt from the rule of strict construction and shall be liberally construed to give full effect to the objects and purposes for which it was adopted.


Action By: Department of Natural Resources and Parks.

Action: Implements the requirements of Ordinance No. 16581 (2009) by developing Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers set forth in Appendix A of this rule.


8.1 Department of Natural Resources and Parks.

8.1.1 Identifies projects involving the placement of large wood to which the Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers, Appendix A to this public rule, is applicable.

8.1.2 Implements the specific procedures provided for in the Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers, Appendix A to this public rule.

8.1.3 At least once every three years, or sooner if significant new data becomes available, convenes a group of stakeholders, including but not limited to river residents, recreationalists, tribes, river boating interests, appropriate regulatory agencies, King County sheriff office representatives, Water Resource Inventory Area representatives, and experienced project practitioners to review and comment on the Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers, Appendix A to this public rule, and update them as needed.


9.1 The Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Large Wood in King County Rivers, King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Land Resources Division, December 2009 constitutes Appendix A to this public rule.
