Flood recovery resources
After a flood, there are many health and safety risks to know about when returning home. Anything touched by floodwater may be contaminated, mold develops after 24-48 hours, and flood damage might expose lead and asbestos. Print and share these resources to help keep you, your family, and your community safe after a flood.
Short URL: kingcounty.gov/floodrecovery
Health and safety after a flood

Health guidance after a flood
- Health guidance after a flood (247 KB)
- Preguntas y respuestas: Proteja su salud después de una inundación (Español / Spanish, 247 KB)
- សំណួរ & ចម្លើយ: ការពារសុខភាពរបស់អ្នកក្រកាយពីទឹកជំនន់ (ភាសាខ្មែរ / Khmer, 342 KB)
- Hỏi & Đáp: Bảo vệ sức khỏe của quý vị sau lũ lụt (Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese, 286 KB)

Coping with a disaster
- Coping with disaster (includes Spanish resources), SAMHSA
- Cómo cuidarse y cuidar a su familia después de un desastre (Español / Spanish, PDF)
- ការទប់ទល់នឹងគ្រោះមហន្តរាយ ឬព្រឹត្តិការណ៍គួរឲ្យរន្ធត់ក្នុងចិត្ត (ភាសាខ្មែរ / Khmer, 180 KB)
- Đối Phó Với Thảm Họa hoặc Biến Cố Sang Chấn (Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese, PDF)

What to do if you have a rat in your toilet
- Comic: What to do if you have a rat in your toilet (462 KB)
- Qué hacer si hay una rata en el inodoro (Español / Spanish, 464 KB)
- អ៊ីដែលត្រូវធ្វើប្រសិនបើមានកណ្តរនៅក្នងបង្គន់ (ភាសាខ្មែរ / Khmer, 418 KB)
- Phải làm gì nếu có một con chuột trong bồn cầu bạn? (Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese, 468 KB)
Cleaning up after a flood

Tips to clean mold
- 8 Tips to Clean Mold, CDC, information in multiple languages

Protective gear when entering a building with mold damage
- What to wear before entering a home or building with mold damage, CDC
- Qué ropa y equipo usar para ingresar a una casa o edificio afectados por el moho (Español / Spanish, 532 KB)
- អ្វីដែលត្រូវពាក់នៅនេលសម្អារកំនេចកំេី និងកាកសំណល់កនុងផ្ទះ បន្ទទប់េីនកើរនត្រះមហនតរាយ (ភាសាខ្មែរ / Khmer, 444 KB)
- Phải măc gì khi dọn dẹp mảnh vỡ và rác thái sinh hoạt sau thảm họa (Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese, 283 KB)

Flooded homes - What can I keep?
- Flooded homes - What can I keep? (423 KB)
- ¿Qué puedo conservar? (Español / Spanish, 505 KB)
- តើខ្ញំអាចទុកអ្វីបាន ? (ភាសាខ្មែរ / Khmer, 515 KB)
- Tôi Có Thể Giữ Những (Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese, 517 KB)

Lead safety
- Lead – Safety information, WA State Dept. of Health
- ¿Cuáles son los efectos del plomo sobre la salud y quiénes están en riesgo?, (Español / Spanish) WA State Dept. of Health
- Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning, CDC

Asbestos safety
- Asbestos – Safety information, WA State Dept. of Health

Homeowner's and renter's guide to mold cleanup
- Homeowners and Renters Guide to Mold Cleanup After Disasters, CDC, information in English, Spanish, Vietnamese