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Reports and data

The Housing and Community Development Division (HCD) prepares plans and reports for the general public and for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). You may view and download these plans and reports below.

Consolidated Plan for 2025-2029

The Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is drafting the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan.

The Consolidated Plan guides the investments and priorities for the Community Development Block Grant, the HOME Investments Partnership Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant.

Draft Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan 2025-2029

Draft King County Consortium Citizen Participation Plan for 2025-2029

Click here for a draft version of the 2025-2029 King County CDBG/HOME Consortium Citizen Participation Plan

King County Action Plan

The King County Consortium’s Action Plans provide information on annual activities to be funded with federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and  Emergency Solutions Grant funds.

CARES Act: 2019 Action Plan and Citizen Participation Plan Amendments

The King County Consortium is amending the 2019 Annual Action Plan and the King County Consortium Citizen Participation Plan to address the new Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) and Emergency Solutions Grant-Coronavirus (ESG-CV) funding allocations as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Drafts are available below:

Draft Amendments to 2019 Action Plan | New CDBG-CV3 funding allocations 

Draft Executive Summary and related documents

Public Notice

King County Equitable Development Initiative Implementation Plan Phase 1

This report responds to the requirements for Phase 1 of the Implementation Plan for a potential King County Equitable Development Initiative, as set out in Motion 16062. A Community Planning Workgroup worked in close partnership with the Department of Community and Human Services to develop this report, with support from other County departments.

Equitable development work directly addresses legacies of exclusion and mitigates the impacts of gentrification by promoting anti-displacement strategies and centering the needs and visions of communities most harmed by past and current inequities. This report outlines a framework, values, vision, goals, objectives, components, recommendations, and needed resources and capacities for a potential King County Equitable Development Initiative. 

Read the King County Equitable Development Initiative Implementation Plan Phase 1 (January 5, 2023)

Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

King County, in partnership with 34 cities and towns, receives approximately $8 million in federal funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year to address goals and objectives identified in the King County Consortium Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan. The CAPER includes a summary and evaluation of how these funds were used to carry out the goals and objectives in the Consolidated Plan. HUD requires King County to submit the CAPER annually in the spring.

Federal funds include:

  • Community Development Block Grant Program
  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program
  • Emergency Solutions Grant Program

Draft 2024 King County CAPER

Final 2023 King County CAPER

2022 Final King County CAPER

2021 Final King County CAPER

2020 Final King County CAPER

Legacy CAPERs from 2005-2009 are available upon request. Please contact Community Development with inquiries.

JustCARE Dashboard

JustCARE responds to the needs of unsheltered individuals requiring behavioral health support through intensive case management and hotel-based temporary lodging.

View the JustCARE Dashboard

Landlord Outreach and Tenant Protection Plans

King County Ordinance 19311 required the Executive to:

  • Develop a Tenant Protections Access Plan to expand knowledge of and access to tenant protections by providing the King County Council with recommendations.
  • Provide the Council with a Landlord Outreach Plan that expands knowledge of tenant protections in the King County Code.

Tenant Protection Access Plan (June 30, 2022)

Landlord Outreach Plan (June 30, 2022)

Affordable Housing Report: Inventory and Feasibility Analysis of Affordable Housing on County-owned Properties

This report includes a methodology, inventory, and feasibility analysis of County-owned properties that could be potentially developed for affordable housing. The report identifies County-owned parcels that meet the report’s threshold analysis as potentially developable and identifies future actions to further King County’s goal to increase access to quality affordable housing.

Read the Executive Recommended Plan

The Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-Displacement Strategies Report

Read the Executive Summary for the Final Report here.

Read the complete Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Anti-displacement Strategies Report here.

King County’s Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) and Department of Local Services (DLS) partnered with community members to develop an Anti-displacement Strategies Report for the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline areas.

As the region grows and housing costs rise, Skyway-West Hill and North Highline residents have shared concerns about ongoing displacement and housing affordability. In response to the feedback we heard during the 2018-2019 Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Subarea Land Use planning processes, the Department of Community and Human Services and the Department of Local Services collaborated to develop a report that makes recommendations and next steps to implement concrete actions King County can take to prevent or mitigate displacement in these neighborhoods.

King County staff conducted a robust community outreach process which resulted in substantive contributions to the report’s recommendations and helped build trust and relationships between County staff and community members. County staff contracted with a team of facilitators with close ties to the North Highline and Skyway-West Hill communities to co-design and facilitate nearly all public meetings. The community facilitators provided critical leadership and feedback to County staff to ensure that engagement was meaningful and authentic.

For more information about this project, upcoming community engagement events, and to share your input online, please visit:

Background Report:

King County Home and Hope Initiative: Affordable Housing Incentives Analysis: North Highline and Skyway-West Hill Report (pdf)

Consolidated Plan Update (2020-2024) and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

The Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is updating the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan and drafting an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice.

The Consolidated Plan guides the investments and priorities for the Community Development Block Grant, the HOME Investments Partnership Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant.

Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan 2020-2024 (January 2, 2020 Update)

2025 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (March 2025)
