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Start planning now for your retirement down the road. The County offers its employees several opportunities to save for the future, including a pension through the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems, a voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan, an HRA VEBA account, and Social Security benefit contributions.

King County employee retirement plans

Most County employees are eligible to participate in one of these 3 retirement plans through the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS):

Retirement information and forms

Retirement classes

Several classes are offered throughout the year by your Retirement Team to help you prepare for retirement. For details and registration, go to the Benefits and Retirement Events Calendar. For more information, contact King County Orientations.

  • Road to Retirement
  • Medicare 101
  • Introduction to Social Security
  • Your DRS Pension

Retirement forms

Social Security

For many, Social Security will provide part of their retirement income.

Visit the Social Security Administration website for more information

General employment separation

General employment separation information

Contact Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS)

Phone: 800-547-6657


Visit the DRS website for information and resources, including:

  • Find out when you are eligible to retire
  • Request an estimate of benefits when you are 2 years from retirement
  • Obtain information regarding a divorce
  • Learn about purchasing service credits due to a temporary duty disability or authorized leave of absence