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King County Septic System Maintenance and Side Sewer Repair Rebate Program

We want to help you make sure your wastewater system is functioning properly to protect your family, your property, and the environment.

Program update:  We are still accepting septic system rebate applications. 

Program update

We are still accepting septic system rebate applications. We are currently at capacity and not accepting new side sewer rebate applications at this time. If you are interested in hearing about any future  side sewer rebate opportunities, then email us at

We are currently at capacity for our side sewer rebate program. We are not accepting side sewer rebate applications at this time. 

We are offering rebates for qualifying septic system (see restrictions in the table below). One rebate is available per parcel.

The septic system rebate is available throughout King County, with more rebates available to properties on Vashon-Maury Island and within the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District. There is also an income eligibility requirement for properties in King County, outside of Vashon-Maury Island and the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District.

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Are you interested in applying for the septic system maintenance rebate?

Check out next steps

Are you interested in applying for the side sewer repair rebate?

Check out next steps

Type of rebate Rebate amount Eligible geographical area Income eligibility requirements Eligible maintenance activities
Septic system maintenance rebate Up to $500 Vashon-Maury Island AND within the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District None Septic system inspection, pumping, or riser installations
All of King County, excluding Vashon-Maury Island and the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District Annual household income at or below 80% of King County’s area median income.

Side sewer repair rebate

(Note: the side sewer rebate is currently not available)

Up to $5,000 Lakehaven and Midway Sewer Districts None Disconnecting illicit connections (ex. roof downspouts or sump pumps), lining sewer pipes, or making repairs to existing side sewers to eliminate stormwater or groundwater inputs.


Check your eligibility for a septic system or side sewer rebate

Check eligibility

Who qualifies for income-based septic system maintenance rebate?

If your property has a septic system and is within King County, but not on Vashon-Maury Island or within the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District, then you are eligible for up to $500 in eligible septic maintenance activities if your annual household income is at or below 80% of King County’s area median income. Use the table below to determine the maximum median family income that qualifies based on your household size.


Household size 80% of King County’s Area Median Family Income
1 $70,650
2 $80,750
3 $90,850
4 $100,900
5 $109,000
6 $117,050
7 $125,150
8 $133,200

Why should I apply for the rebate?

  • Save money! These septic system and side sewer rebates go directly to the contractors you hire to do the work. This means you do not have to pay the qualifying rebate amount upfront and wait to get reimbursed — an automatic savings!
  • Keep you and your family healthy — Household wastewater is loaded with bacteria and viruses. Overlooking (or delaying) septic or side sewer maintenance poses harmful health hazards that can lead to illness or disease. A properly functioning septic system or side sewer helps remove these pollutants so well water and nearby waterbodies aren’t contaminated.
  • Protect the environment — Failing wastewater systems release bacteria, viruses, and other materials that can enter streams, rivers, lakes, Puget Sound, and the ocean. The pollutants harm local ecosystems and can harm native plants, fish, and shellfish, and the people who eat them.
  • Protect your property value — An unusable septic system, or a side sewer in disrepair, lowers your property value. When you sell your home, you’re legally required to disclosing a septic system failure (RCW chapter 64.06). It can also be an expensive liability if you have to repair or replace the system, which costs around $15,000 to $40,000.

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J89801-1 to the Washington State Department of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
