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Business waste resources

Hazardous business products

Information about which hazardous business products and materials are accepted at our disposal facilities.

Disposal facilities

We help eligible King County businesses access resources to safely dispose of hazardous waste. Find a convenient disposal location available year round, or visit the traveling Wastemobile which operates seasonally. There are no fees to use these disposal services.

Business incentives, consultations, and other services

The best way for businesses to deal with hazardous waste is not to produce it — or to produce less of it. You can help protect people and the environment by reading product labels and choosing the least hazardous products available.

Requirements for businesses to drop off hazardous waste in King County

Does my business qualify for no-fee hazardous waste disposal?

To bring hazardous waste to King County collection facilities, businesses must:

- Be located in King County

- Produce less than 220lbs (about 25 gallons) of hazardous waste per month

- Produce less than 2.2lbs (about 1 quart) of acutely hazardous waste per month

- Store less than 2,200lbs (about four 55-gallon drums) of hazardous waste

Learn more and fill out the disposal form.

Businesses must complete the disposal form and bring two printed copies to their designated drop-off location.


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