Business incentives, consultations and other services
The best way for businesses to deal with hazardous waste is not to produce it — or to produce less of it. You can help protect people and the environment by reading product labels and choosing the least hazardous products available.
As a King County business, we can help you make the change and reduce the use of hazardous products and chemicals. Eligible businesses have access to many resources to help you save money and protect workers and the environment. From financial assistance, to the cost-saving materials exchange and EnviroStars recognition, we can help you safely manage your hazardous materials.
Receive Cash Back for Improvements
The money can be used for lab testing, disposal and recycling, equipment and process changes (including secondary containment, spill control, and substitution of less toxic materials), and protective equipment for employees.
To qualify, your business must:
- Be located in King County
- Produce less than 220lbs (about 25 gallons) of hazardous waste per month
- Produce less than 2.2lbs (about a quart) of acutely hazardous waste per month
- Store less than 2,200lbs (about four 55-gallons drums) of hazardous waste
Free On-Site Consultation and Spill Management
Safe management of hazardous waste is good business—and we can help. Get customized recommendations to help you manage hazardous waste so it doesn’t harm your workers, community, or the environment.
Schedule a no-cost consultation with our technical staff for customized recommendations for your business.
We’ll help you:
- Manage hazardous materials and wastes effectively.
- Find safer alternatives to hazardous products.
- Understand applicable hazardous waste regulations.
- Get cash back for improvements or disposal expenses.
- Gain recognition for environmentally friendly practices.
- Provide spill management materials and tools specific to your business.
- Create a spill management plan.
- Train your employees in spill prevention and response.
Following our recommendations can create a safer workplace, reduce business liability, and prevent costly hazardous spills.
To learn more about financial assistance or schedule a free consultation, please call 206-296-4692 or email Materials Exchange (IMEX)
IMEX is a free service that helps businesses find, give away, or sell surplus materials and hazardous products. Save on disposal and purchase costs while conserving energy, resources, and landfill space.
What to Expect After Submitting a Listing:
- Confirm your listing via the confirmation email.
- Our staff reviews your submission to ensure it meets our policy.
- If approved, you'll receive a notification email (keep this for your records).
- If not approved, you'll receive an email with revision recommendations.
- Approved listings usually appear the next business day. Listings expire in 30, 60, or 90 days. You’ll get an email three days before expiration to extend or remove your listing.
How to Delete or Change Your Listing:
- Exchanged: Click the "exchanged" link in your approval email.
- Partially Exchanged: Email to update your listing.
- Not Exchanged: Click the "deactivate" link in your approval email.
Recycling and Treating Hazardous Waste
Recycle Materials On-Site or Through a Recycler:
Recycling eliminates the need to dispose of excess material as waste. In Washington, "universal waste" – such as batteries, mercury-containing thermostats, and most fluorescent lamps – doesn’t count toward waste generation totals when recycled. Contact us to find a recycler for a specific type of waste or for information about on-site recycling.
Treat the Waste:
Treating hazardous waste can reduce its volume or make it less hazardous. You can treat your business’s hazardous waste following guidance from the Washington State Department of Ecology, or a permitted waste vendor can handle the treatment for you.
For more information, call 206-296-4692 or email