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Sugar sweetened beverage consumption (adults)

King County, 2010 & 2012 average

Description: Adults (age 18+) who consumed any sugar sweetened beverages in the past month
Source: National Communities Putting Prevention to Work, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  Percent Lower CI Upper CI
King County (adults aged 18+) 63 61 66
18-34 84 77 88
35-44 65 59 70
45-64 55 52 59
65+ 35 32 40
Female 56 52 60
Male 71 67 75
AIAN** 72 57 83
Asian 56 45 66
Black 84 76 89
Hispanic 78 67 86
Multiple 70§ 50 85
NHPI** * * *
White 62 59 65
Household Income
<$25,000 71 64 76
$25,000 - $34,999 64 54 73
$35,000 - $49,999 54 46 62
$50,000 - $74,999 66 58 73
$75,000+ 61 57 65
East 64 58 71
North 67 57 76
Seattle 57 52 62
South 67 63 70


N/A: Not available
* Too few cases to protect confidentiality and/or report reliable rates
§ Too few cases to meet precision standard, interpret with caution
** Alone or in combination with other races CI is 95% Confidence Interval
Persons of Hispanic ethnicity can be of any race and are included in the racial categories
Percent = Percent of adults age 18+ who had either a non-diet Soda or other Sugary Drink 1+ time in the past month Other sugary drinks include: fruit drinks (such as Kool-aid and lemonade), sweet tea, sports or energy drinks (such as Red Bull and Gatorade); excludes 100% fruit juice, diet drinks, or artificially sweetened drinks

Sugar sweetened beverage consumption, King County, 2010 & 2012 average

Sugar sweetened beverage consumption, King County, 2010 & 2012 average

Source: National Communities Putting Prevention to Work, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Prepared by: Public Health Seattle & King County, Assessment, Policy Development, & Evaluation, 1/2015
|-----|: Confidence interval shows range that includes true value 95% of the time
* Too few cases to protect confidentiality and/or report reliable rates
§ Too few cases to meet precision standard, interpret with caution
** Alone or in combination with other races
