Professional development and consultation
Access vaccine-related education, training, and helpful external resources.
Vaccine training videos
Building Confidence in Vaccinations
Learn how to address the most common concerns people have towards vaccinations.
Chickenpox & the Varicella Vaccine
Learn about chickenpox and the varicella vaccine.
Provider education and training
E-courses, CDC You Call the Shots
Webinars, clinical tools, and more,
Free e-courses, Immunity Community
Learning Network courses, CDC Train
Vaccine webinar series, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Free immunization skills training, EZIZ trainings
Toolkits, Voices for Vaccines
Contact external public health agencies
Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
Office of Immunization:
Phone: 360-236-3595
Email: the general box or send a direct email to a program.
Ask the Immunization Nurse: clinical questions about immunizations.
Get information on a wide variety of disease prevention and health promotion topics, including immunizations.
Submit a question using the online form.
Phone: 800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)
Email immunization and vaccine-preventable disease related questions to and receive an answer from a CDC immunization expert, usually within 24 hours.