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LIVE trainings and demos

Boost your knowledge about Content Manager and other records management hot topics with these live trainings and demos.

Click the link below to register for each session you plan to attend. If you experience issues registering to any of the below sessions, try our troubleshooting tips.

Topic and Registration Link Date and time
 Year-End Records Management Cleanup and Tasks December 18, 2024, 10am-11am
 Email Management January 9, 2025, 10am-11-am


Records Management Training in NEOGOV

The below classes are available online to all King County employees via NEOGOV, the KC eLearning portal.

Class Title and Link Audience Duration
Basic Records Management All employees 15 minutes
Records Management for Managers and Supervisors People leaders 11 minutes
Basic Records Management for Elected Officials Elected officials 15 minutes

Content Manager (CM) Training in NEOGOV

The below classes are available online to all King County employees via NEOGOV, the KC eLearning portal.

Note: Content Manager was upgraded in March 2024. The courses below were built with the previous version, which has some very minor interface changes. However, the processes described in these trainings are identical.

Class title and link Audience Duration
CM Digital Folders All employees 30 minutes
CM Filing E-Records All employees 30 minutes
CM Searching All employees 30 minutes
CM Physical Records Records management leads 30 minutes

How to access courses in NEOGOV

  1. Follow one of the above links to navigate to a specific training
  2. Select Enroll
  3. Select Start to launch the course

You can also watch a video on how to search for training in KC eLearning.

Supplemental job aids and other training materials documenting all processes are available on the Job Aids page.

Recordings of Past Trainings - General Records Management Topics

Recordings of Past Trainings - Content Manager (CM)

Also, check out our short (5 minutes or less) pre-recorded demos about how to perform specific tasks in Content Manager (CM).
