DDECSD Contract Requirements
Definitions, Forms, Payment Tables and Resources
Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers
Definitions (Word)
ESIT Deliverables Schedule (Updated 7/25/23)
ESIT Provider Training Requirements (pdf)
ESIT Payment Table 2024-2025 (Updated 1.6.25)
ESIT ARPA Service Payment Table 2022
ESIT Other Services Payment Table (Update 6.7.23)
CORE Training: Spreadsheet and Invoice, including 7-21 SE Changes
Inter-Agency Agreement for Dually Served Children12.18.20-Update
FAQ 12.18.20 Inter-Agency Agreement for Dually Served
Training on Data Entry, DDA Change Form, IAA 12.18.20
VIDEO RECORDING- Training on Data Entry, DDA Change Form, IAA 12.18.20
King County State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021 Billing Schedule
DCYF Certification of Data Disposition
ESIT Extraordinary Expense Form, Instructions, and Policy
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C
Federal Certifications and Assurances
Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Final Regulations
OMB Uniform Guidance Subpart E (2 CFR § 200)
Washington State’s Federally Approved State Plan, including:
- Part I Washington State’s Part C of IDEA, Grant Application
- Part II Washington’s State ESIT Policies and Procedures, Methods, Descriptions, and Assurances
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
Bridge Pilot Program
Bridge Payment Table 2023 (Updated 12.21.22)
Bridge Pilot Program Eligibility & Intake form
Parent Engagement Pilot
Agency Collaboration Requirements_SFY2025
CORE Data Dictionary
Exhibit B, School to Work SDOP - Job Placement and Intensive Training (DSHS 11-096)
S2W Areas of Assessment SFY2025 (Word)
S2W Contractor Eligibility Requirements (PDF)
2024 S2W Exit and CSA Request Form
2024 S2W Exit and CSA Process
S2W Deliverables Schedule_SFY2025
King County State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023- TBD
S2W Student and Agency Agreement_English
Both DSHS and the County (“Parties”) agree to work in good faith to resolve all conflicts at
the lowest level possible. However, if the Parties are not able to promptly and efficiently
resolve, through direct informal contact, any dispute concerning the interpretation,
application, or implementation of any section of the Agreement or applicable Program
Agreement(s), either Party may reduce its description of the dispute in writing, and deliver
it to the other Party for consideration. Once received, the assigned managers or designees
of each Party will work to informally and amicably resolve the issue within five (5) business
days. If the managers or designees are unable to come to a mutually acceptable decision
within five (5) business days, they may agree to issue an extension to allow for more time.
the dispute cannot be resolved by the managers or designees, the issue will be
through each Agency’s respective operational protocols, to the Secretary of DSHS
(“Secretary”) and the County Representative or their deputy or designated delegate. Both
Parties will be responsible for submitting all relevant documentation, along with a short
statement as to how they believe the dispute should be settled, to the Secretary and the
County Representative.
Upon receipt of the referral and relevant documentation, the Secretary and County
Representative will confer to consider the potential options for resolution, and to arrive at a
decision within fifteen (15) business days. The Secretary and County Representative may
appoint a review team, a facilitator, or both, to assist in the resolution of the dispute. If the
Secretary and County Representative are unable to come to a mutually acceptable decision
within fifteen (15) days, they may agree to issue an extension to allow for more time.
Both Parties agree that, the existence of a dispute notwithstanding, the Parties will
continue without delay to carry out all respective responsibilities under the Agreement or
applicable Program Agreement(s) that are not affected by the dispute.
The final decision will be put in writing and will be signed by both the Secretary and County
Representative. If the Agreement is active at the time of resolution and amendment of the
Agreement is warranted for ongoing clarity, the Parties will execute an amendment to
incorporate the final decision into the Agreement. If this dispute process is used, the
resolution decision will be final and binding as to the matter reviewed and the dispute shall
be settled in accordance with the terms of the decision. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
each Party reserves the right to litigate issues de novo in court.
*The “Program Agreement” is the County’s contract with DSHS/DDA