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Community Communications Network

The Community Communications Network (CCN) is a partnership between Public Health – Seattle & King County, community and faith-based organizations, and community leaders to ensure relevant, actionable health information reaches all populations in King County.

Frequently asked questions

  • How often will I receive emails?

    Health Alerts and Health Advisories are sent as needed. CCN email updates are sent periodically and include links to grant resources, service information and other relevant material. During an emergency, messages will be sent more frequently, depending on the scenario.

  • Who from my organization should be enrolled?

    It is preferred that several contacts from each organization are enrolled. Each organization will have a primary contact. This means that the primary contact can monitor who from the agency is enrolled in the network and makes changes or updates as needed.

  • Will information be provided in languages other than English?

    If translated material, such as flyers or videos, are available, it will be included either by attachments to the email or a link to a website.

  • What if I leave my organization?

    If you are the primary contact for your organization, please work with your employer to identify someone to replace you in that role. If you are no longer associated with your organization, please change your account information to reflect your updated contact information or delete your membership if you prefer not to continue as a member.

  • Are there other alert and warning systems I should sign up for?

    Yes! Please consider enrolling in Alert King County and AlertSeattle to receive additional real-time emergency information that will help keep your staff, community and family connected and safe. While some information may overlap, we suggest you enroll in both.

    • ALERT King County:
      Alert King County allows you to register physical addresses, such as home and work, to get messages targeted to your specific area.
    • AlertSeattle:
      AlertSeattle is specific to the Seattle area and you can also choose to receive customizable community notifications about severe weather, safety, health, utility disruptions, major traffic incidents, and more. Note that when you click to sign up, you will be redirected to the Smart911 registration page—Smart911 provides a safety profile of your information
      directly to 9-1-1 when you call 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.

    Other regional systems that may be relevant to you include:
