Once I purchase credits from the In-Lieu Fee program, what are my responsibilities?
Purchasing mitigation credits from King County’s In-Lieu Fee program transfers the permittee’s responsibility for mitigation to the Sponsor (King County). Once permits are issued and credits are purchased, the permittee no long has any obligation for the mitigation associated with the permitted impact.
What temporal loss factor do I use when calculating the credit-debit method?
When using the Credit-Debit Method, it is important to choose the ‘delayed’ temporal loss factor. King County’s In-Lieu Fee Instrument requires initial physical and biological improvements by the third growing season after an applicant purchases a mitigation credit. The Credit-Debit Method’s debit worksheet has a table of temporal loss factors based on the timing of mitigation. The temporal loss factors for in-lieu fee mitigation will typically range from 3-7 based on the type of wetland impact.
What do I include in my mitigation plan?
For wetland impacts offset with credits from King County’s In-Lieu Fee Program, permittees must submit an In-Lieu Fee Use Plan to both King County and any applicable permitting agencies.
How do I purchase credits from King County’s In-Lieu Fee Program?
If use of King County’s In-Lieu Fee Program is determined by regulators to be a potential way to meet your mitigation needs, and you have not yet talked with program staff, first call Mitigation Reserves Program staff to discuss use of the program. Then, start the process by submitting an Application and In-Lieu Fee Use Plan with pertinent information about your project (see Templates & Resources). County staff will then draft an agreement for your review. Once you receive permits for your project, both parties can sign the agreement. Following a fully executed agreement, King County will issue an invoice for payment on the credits. Once credits are paid in full, King County will issue a Statement of Sale to the permittee. This is the permittee’s proof of purchase and receipt.
However, please see our Information for Permittee/Consultants page for a complete explanation of the process and links to relevant documents.
Can I use King County’s In-Lieu Fee Program for impacts permitted by a city?
King County’s In-Lieu Fee Program may be able to be used for projects within city limits. Contact Mitigation Reserves Program staff to discuss specific needs. Many projects within city limits must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
How long does a credit purchase take?
The length of time to complete a credit purchase depends on the complexity of the credit purchase and the responsiveness of the permittee, but it normally takes 3-4 weeks to complete a Terms of Sale Agreement, confirm payment and provide a signed Statement of Sale. Many factors can complicate the process and add time, but we strive to quickly provide what you need to move forward with your project.
Who decides how many credits a permittee needs to buy?
Through permitting, regulators such as U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington State Department of Ecology, and local jurisdictions, will verify a permittees’ impact and credit calculations. The King County In-Lieu Fee will not determine how many credits a permittee needs to buy.