Cannabis, Commercial Tobacco, and Vaping Prevention Community Change Grant
Request for Proposals (RFP): #2025CDIP734RFP
The purpose of the Community Change Grants is to fund new projects to reduce use of and harm from cannabis, commercial tobacco, and vapor products for youth ages 12-20 by changing influences on use and harm. During the award period, Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) will also provide technical assistance on prevention and harm reduction knowledge and skills. Alongside the implementation of awardee projects, PHSKC hopes to increase capacity among organizations and individuals in King County for community change work that promotes youth health.
- Download the full RFP document for details (1.6 MB)
- Attachment A: King County Terms and Conditions (224 KB)
- Attachment B: Signature page and proposal response (MS Word, 45 KB)
- Attachment C: Proposed Four Year Budget Template (MS Excel, 38 KB)
- Attachment D: Technical assistance information (422 KB)
- Addendum 1: Questions and answers from the pre-conference sessions and questions sent to the Contract Specialist
Pre-application conferences
Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) conducted two pre-proposal conferences for this RFP on Jan. 21 and Jan. 23. These conferences were to assist the applicants to more fully understand the requirements of this RFP. See video recorded below from the Jan. 23rd conference: