King County Adult Dental Program
Request for Proposals (RFP): # 2025CHS777RFP
An estimated 52,000 people in King County are non-citizens who lack health and dental insurance. National trends suggest that a significant portion of this group are ineligible for public programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and subsidized health insurance. This is the focus population for this funding to increase access to dental services. Public Health Seattle & King County (PHSKC) has contracts in place with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) dental providers and we provide dental services with the objective to increase access to adult dental services for low-income King County residents who are not eligible for dental services through Apple Health, Washington state’s Medicaid program. The program in King County is called, the King County Adult Dental Program (KCADP). The KCADP dental services are similar to the coverage provided by the Health Care Authority Adult Dental program.
- Download the full RFP document (885 KB)
Public Health – Seattle & King County will not conduct a pre-proposal conference for this RFP.