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Fleet electrification

The 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP) and Ordinance 19052 set goals to reduce King County’s vehicle fleet greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45% over 2017 levels by 2025. Electrification is key to advancing our decarbonization goals. The SCAP also highlighted the following vehicle electrification targets:

  • 50% of light-duty vehicles are transitioned to electric by 2025 and 100% by 2030
  • 50% of medium-duty vehicles are transitioned to electric by 2028 and 100% by 2033
  • 50% of heavy-duty vehicles are transitioned to electric vehicles by 2038 and 100% by 2043

As we move forward, purchasing zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) will be the first option when replacing older polluting vehicles wherever practicable as a result of the SCAP GHG reduction goals. To support this transition, Fleet Services will work with agencies to develop a fleet electrification roadmap.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Planning

Fleet Services is collaborating with other county agencies to develop EV transition plans that are anticipated to be completed in spring 2025. Each agency will have a comprehensive EV transition plan outlining how and when vehicles could be transitioned to EVs. The elements of the plan will include the following:

  • Analysis of zero-emission vehicle models by duty class and vehicle purpose
  • Total cost of ownership analysis for vehicle by type and duty class
  • Barriers, opportunities, and operational needs for each agency
  • Timeline and process for zero-emission vehicle replacement viability
  • Vehicle assignment/asset optimization matrix to support shuffling vehicles to best support the transition, and optimizing charging infrastructure as it is implemented
  • Charging infrastructure needs and support strategy EV technology planning and needs, including charge management support

EV Charging Infrastructure Planning

The EV transition planning effort is being performed in conjunction with the Facilities Management Division’s (FMD) Enterprise Scale Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) Feasibility Study. This study assesses the electrical capacity for prioritized facilities to determine appropriate charging strategies, charging infrastructure needs, and estimated installation costs.

EV Purchasing Waiver

King County has an EV and hybrid purchase mandate. However, agencies may request an exemption to purchase a new internal combustion engine vehicle (ICE) if no electric models are available that can meet utilization and operational needs.

EV Purchasing Waiver Form
