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Risk Management Services

Begin Claims Filing Process

In addition to investigating and resolving claims against King County in a fair and expeditious manner, the Office of Risk Management Services also provides internal services to King County agencies, including:

  • Insurance: King County administers a self-insurance program and purchases a variety of other insurance policies and related services consistent with good risk management practices and the needs of the county.
  • Contracts: Risk Management advises King County agencies on insurance requirements, indemnification, release, and hold harmless provisions in all types of contracts. Risk Management actively negotiates these provisions and, together with the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, assists agencies in pursuing and tendering claims arising out of contractual relations.
  • Recovery Services: The recovery section of Risk Management is charged with seeking compensation for damages caused to King County property or injury to King County employees by negligent third parties.
  • Loss Control Program: The Loss Control Manager works with King County agencies to identify areas of potential loss and recommend strategies to reduce exposure to liability.

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